Friday, February 25, 2005

This is the Paris Opera House, anyone who has seen the Phantom of the Opera that came out this December, should recognize it. Now if only I was a better photographer, huh?

This is on the banks of the Seine...
Oho-- Im excited! Now I'm starting my Paris pictures. This is the quintessential Eiffel Tower shot, this one is crummy but I cant find the one cd I want, I think it's at my mothers, so you guys are all missing out on some great photos while I post these mediocre ones. Sorry.
These are the really creepy looking trees. It's the best picture I have of them. They have huge round formations on them that look like goiters or something, with a whole bunch of skinny twigs sticking out of them. Reminds me of something that Tim Burton would think up.
This is a tree. Notice how the bark is all bizarre? One of the first things I noticed when I drove from DeGaulle airport to the hotel was that all of the trees and plants were really odd looking. The green is slightly off from what we have in North America, and different species and things I suppose. But it was really weird.
This is one of the little gems tucked away in the gardens of Versailles. I don't remember what they call them anymore, but they have all these places to get lost in on purpose because it let the nobles tryst, and have their intrigues.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

This is a closeup of one of the satues in the same hallway. It caught my interest especially because his name is 'hopital' and I was wondering what his name had to with hospitals (the french word for hospital is hopital.) 'Course, I say that I will research him every time I look at this picture, and really what happens is that I don't.

Here's a hallway at Versailles that I thought was really cool because of the marble statues lining the wall.
This is one of my favorite pictures of the Chateau at Versailles. Everything is perfectly shaped and clean, just like Louis wanted it. I'm having trouble finding some of the pictures I want though, because I while ago I backed everything up on disk to clean out my hardrive and now I can find the right cds, so I haven't found my favorite one yet.
More Gargoyles...
Here's more of Notre Dame. These are the Gargoyles. Do you know what the differance between a gargoyle and a chimera is? Gargoyles actually serve as part of the draining system, and 'gargle' and chimeras are just the statue, without the practical use. ^_^

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

So I promised Stephen more France pictures, so the next little while will probably just be some photos I took while I was there awhile back.

I figured I should start off in Paris, and since I'm feeling churchy today, this is Notre Dame. It's located on the Ile de la Cité, in the first Arrondissment of Paris it's a cloudy day completely characteristic of the city. It's such a gorgeous Gothic building, and you can put some some perspective on it by looking at the base of the tree in the foreground. That tiny speck there is my friend Mandy from Alberta, who is standing on a park bench.
I like this picture. It's a picture that was taken on my roomate's digital camera. It's Knox United church, which is in downtown Guelph, my hometown. Guelph is a little church crazy, and this is one of about 10 churches in a 4 block radius. See that set of particularly wicked stairs on the left? Well, once after choir practice I tumbled down them and got concussed. I am so smart s-m-r-t.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This is a picture I took awhile ago outside of Elora, Ontario. Did you know that Queen Anne's lace is really wild carrot? hee hee

Monday, February 21, 2005

Hahahahaha. Ahhh, this is *AWESOME* Too bad I didn't find it closer to the election. I'm glad they are apologizing. The world deserves an apology for all that Bullshit Bush continues to dish out.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I took this picture in Normandy, they're the salt marshes near Mont St. Michel.
Going to post some random pictures, maybe enter some into Photo Friday, just for kicks. ^_^